The Jungle Book

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These exercises are among the first techniques taught by Swami Rama - they're perfect for everyone interested in improved health. Two routines are ideal those looking for a gentle practice and are perfect for older people, those with limited physical mobility or as preparation for hatha yoga. The simple movements: ·Improve overall flexibility ·Increase circulation throughout the body ·Restore natural vitality ·Improve posture and balance ·Rejuvenate body and mind with guided relaxation Each sequence includes: ·Seated Exercises·Standing Exercises·Hands and Knees Exercises·Floor Exercises·Systematic RelaxationSequence 1 Narrated by Carrie Demers, M.D.(32:07 minutes)Sequence 2 Narrated by Sandra Anderson (56:45 minutes)Companion DVD to the book 'Exercises For Joints & Glands'(dvxh)